Today was the straw that broke the camel’s back…..I hate that freakin saying…but I’ll use it anyway.
Our son (14 TODAY!) plays on a local lacrosse team and with the 15 players on the on the team, one of the team mom’s and I have been trying to set up a workable carpool and snacks for the boy at practice.
Now, we’ve been carpooling for most of the school year and now the team has begun to grow, so it had to be changed.
On to the meat! (or was that what Mariah said?)
There is one motherFUCKER that is the biggest pain in the ass. She seemingly goes out of her way to make others’ lives more difficult. She obviously believes that she is the only one who matters. **and she is NOT teaching her son to show respect to others.
I have been driving one leg of the carpool for about 6 months and HER son is in my car. All of the boys meet me in front of the school …except her kid. She calls me every week and makes some excuse on why I NEED to go to her house to pick him up. I, being the nice guy, do. This punk is never ready. I honk, no answer – again and again. Then he strolls out like nobody is waiting for him…does not say thank you for getting him, does not say sorry for making me wait… he just gets in and slams the door.
Anyway…Today she sent an email to all of the parents saying that she is not willing to drive the boys to their homes after practice…that she will bring them all to her house and that we need to arrange to go there to pick them up. Now I would not be so put off by this except for the fact that she drives 4 boys (besides her own) and those 4 all live within 5 blocks of her. The reason that she agreed to drive home (ONLY TUESDAY NIGHTS) is because she is free and the majority of other parents have other commitments.
I immediately typed the following email to her:
Dear X - (and anyone else who has a problem dropping kids at their houses)
I am not sure that I get what the big deal is. We all have other kids and other commitments. We have 4 kids in sports and have many other things to do today as well. We got into the carpool so that we each only had to drive one leg per week. I don't think that dropping the boys off is too much to ask when we only drive once a week. It might add 15 minutes to the drop offs because they all live within a few blocks of you...not a big deal.
Additionally, I believe that just about every practice, through now, I have had to make a special stop at your house to pick up YOUR SON to go to practice...while all of the other boys met me at the school.
I am sorry, but we all have hectic lives and we all need to pitch in...for our kids.
Then asked Mariah to look at it before I sent it …in case it was inappropriate. She said that I should hold off and see if anyone else was going to respond.
After a bit there was another email from another mom:
Hi X,
I thought we discussed on Saturday that if I put kids that live near you in your car you would take them home. The whole point of this carpool is that the parents only have to drive one time during the week. Not trying to sound rude or anything, just that the parents were thinking that the deal was that if you had boys around your house you can drop them. just wondering- D’s not even in yours so doesn’t matter to me- but others were wondering. Everyone has to do the same thing- even more taking M home.
Thanks A
I then got an email from yet another mom (who is a teacher at the middle school where the boys go) that just said, “Thank you for sending that email. I would have but was too scared.”
Here is a taste of what she said to us (via email):
Due to the extra time it takes to drop off everyone off at home, I would appreciate it if parents could pick their children up from our place. Last week I didn't get home until 7:30p after dropping everyone off. I have to get my daughter to her soccer practice on this night as well. By the time the boys get their gear off and settled in the car, we should get home around 6:45p. Thanks.
And …
You see, my thoughts are that the kids are taken together as a group from school to the park.... The people that pick up from the park, including yourself, spend more time taking everyone individually home. I know that it's not a big deal for you, but it's very time consuming for me, and my time is very precious. If the situation were reverse and I was taking kids from school to the park (which I unfortunately can not do) I would be fine picking up my son from the house of whoever picked up from the park. In fact, I'd be fine picking him up on Thursday's from whoever drives on this day. Because I have two children, my time is even more valuable. I have a very hectic life because my husband works at night. I feel like a single parent. Most of the time I can't even cook during the week because I get home so late. And then there's the homework that I have to assist with. The later I get home, the later the kids get to bed. I don't get off work at 5pm like most people. I work until 6pm and don't get home until 6:30p and even sometimes later. So, getting home at 7:30p even one day a week is a burden. So as to not put you in the middle, I'll call the parents whose kids I pick up and explain the situation.
What the fuck is wrong with some people? I just don’t get it. Does she really think that her time is more valuable than others? I'm sorry in advance...but she is a CUNT!
I may be taking out my rage (from other things) on her…but I really don’t give a shit.
Maybe I’ll just pee on her and get it over with!!!!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
She is just being a whiny ass. You don't volunteer for something and then try to get out of doesn't set a good example. If she didn't have the time she should not have committed, but now that she has she needs to follow through.
And good for you for telling her so.
Sounds like she is a selfish, attention seeking cow who fails to notice that hte world does not in fact revolve around her.
Simple solutions - 1)she can pick up & drop off her own kid & her own kid alone.
2) Her kid gets picked up at the school by you with the others, if he is not there then he misses out.
It sounds like you have the support of the other parents.
I am sure anyone (with a brain) & kids can sympathise - there always seems to be one person like this one.
My can of whoop ass would be empty after that email. Period. I would have (seeing as how ya'll live within 5 blocks) walked my angry ass those 5 blocks and freaked out on her. I know, you are thinking that I am so mature. But, sometimes, especially when people get all self centered I lose my shit. And, Tenter, I would have lost my shit. For reals.
Okay, as I was reading that, I really thought at some point I was going to find out that she DIDN'T really say that stuff or that she apologized or SOMETHING!! What a self-serving whiner.
OMG I hate people like that. I cannot believe she thinks her time is so much more precious. Idiot. she's not THAT important surely.
First time here, sorry, maybe I'm off, but if y'all live so close, just a few blocks apart, why can't the boys all walk home from her house, if she's being difficult and parents don't want to drop off and pick up every day.
I mean, sure, she's being difficult and thinks her time is more valuable than everyone else's, but you've bent over for her already (by picking her kid up) - you let her go that far, why shouldn't she continue to expect special treatment?
I think she just got tossed out of the carpool.
One less kid to drive gives you that much more time to spend doing something else.
I would so kick her ass out of the carpool.
Ha really? Her time is more valuable than the time of anyone else? Her time is so precious? Really, she said precious and I giggled and rolled my eyes. I can't stand people who think they're more anything than others. Why even volunteer for something like this when she's acting like a whiny, self entitled little bitch?
The point of the carpool is to make things easier I thought. Seems to me she's just making things less easy and adding some stress and annoyance in too.
Just piss in her koolaid or whatever she drinks. :) Silly woman.
Sadly...there seems to always be one fish swimming against the stream, making everyone else scratch their heads. Ugh. I agree with AR pee in her koolaid or her son's gatorade bottle!
Sounds like the perfect situation for the, wait for it, Flaming Bag of Dog Shit.
Maybe not though. Maybe I just look for any occasion to put Fire to Feces.
She sounds like a Prime candidate.
My Gods! This woman needs a reality check. Go ahead, pee on her.
Yeah, pee on her.
No, your right on the money. That's bullshit. It sounds to me like she's rethinking her commitment now that she's actually in it, like people so often do. You should send that message so others will feel brave enough to vocalize their opposition this tyrant.
Did you ever send her the email you wrote? I wonder what everyone (including her) would have thought if she was outed for allowing her son to bend the rules for them. Seems ridiculous to me. I wouldn't pick up or drop off her son. He sounds as rude as she is.
what a bitch! I hate people like that! good for you calling her out though. too bad it didn't work.
Yup, she needs pee'd on, no doubt...
What a selfish bitch. I say kick her out of the carpool. Then pee on her. So...what happened when she called you. Did she call yet? Can you pee through a phone?
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