So, all of these years that I am thinking that I am crazy….I figure I can find out right away by posting some shit right here.
I sometimes (a lot) have these random, fragmented thoughts…sometimes just in my head…and sometimes I feel the need to just blurt them out. NO….I do not have turrets.
I can just be sitting around with people or alone and say, “24, 16, 9, 7, 46, 18, turtle, banana, ocean, five times fast.” or something like, "oh, I wish I were an Oscar Myer wiener..." while walking around the house.
That is no exaggeration. I mean it does not go on all the time and it is not an every day thing, but regularly enough where Mariah has started finishing those ‘sentences’ for me….How fucked is THAT?
Does anyone else do this? Am I the only one? Do I need professional help?
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
I don't think you're the only one. I do that alot myself. I'm just lucky that no one is around to witness it, and when I had my dogs, they kept it secret secret!!!
Oh you are not alone. Mine are usually conversations I am having with myself in my car. I answer and everything, sometimes arguements I should be having with my husband. I can say any hurtful thing I want in private but not at him, I know no one can hear me...thank goodness. But I have a long drive to and from work. So the rants go on.....
rofl, no, you're not the only one, just ask my girl ChocDrop up there, we'll be talking and I'll just blurt something totally not related out, like it was part of the conversation and I'm expecting everyone to get it and follow along.
snowshoes fishing pole doublemint gum....
....does that answer your question?
I'm probably not the best one to be asking if you need professional help because I am sure that I do. I do all kinds of fucked up shit, and all of it is way worse than your shit. And I haven't been locked up yet, so I think you are safe.
Totally get professional help...or don't and BLAME it on Tourette's there is nothing funnier!
Honestly, I do it all the time when I slip up with language or singing in the car or get caught talking to myself.
And I'm kidding about professional help...cause you can blog about it and that's free!!! :)
This was a great post. I am happy to find that I am not the only weird one out there. I like to combine lots of words and then think that nobody else in history has ever come up with that combination. Do you think I'm just bored? We're all freaks in our own way. You are just a freak in a tent and I'm just a freak in Utah.
I am glad to see that you are still alive. Thanks for the comment.
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