Just like my life… when you pee in the wind, the stream tends to splatter and spray everywhere. There are so many things in my life that I could post about and I don’t really know where to start. I have posted about a small fraction so far and could look at my logs to see what you all really want to hear about…but I don’t know how accurate that would be.
So, I have posted a poll on my sidebar. Please take a look at it and answer so that I can continue spilling my guts pee all over you guys.
I am sure that most of you have noticed that I DO NOT re-read, edit or spend time preparing my posts. I think that it is the most honest (and beneficial for me) to think of a topic, start writing and then clicking that infamous “PUBLISH POST” button. I hope that you do not mind the grammar and spelling errors…and the occasional …confusing post.
Thanks for your eyeballs!!!!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
You can always go back in and edit after you write it TC. :D Grammar and spelling errors stand out to me in other's posts but I always fail to catch them in mine. LOL!
I want to know about OUR sexlife!
Because it is smoking hot
Just kidding! I want to hear about your family life! YOur dreams and getting your DIVORCE finalized
I am thinking that I need a poll on my site. About what? I have no freakin' idea.
And I am the opposite about my posts. I usually write in word...so that I can spell check along the way. And mull things over. A lot. And then procrastinate. And end up with over 100 blog ideas half way done...
You've proved to have a very sensitive side that many men have a hard time expressing. Keep that side of you up, I'll read anything!
I voted more about Insane Mama and Family Life--I went back to read your "Insanely Peeing in the Wind" posts. Very interesting stuff!!
Just keep writing. I'll keep reading. Usually the grammar and punctuation thing drives. me. nuts. But with you? Nah. I don't care. I love how genuine your writing is. So my OCD doesn't kick in as much...
I'll be honest, I've linked over here from IM's blog but never commented (sorry). But I didn't know you read my blog either but thank you for your comment. I will try not to react to his bites (although they are painful!).
So many great options, it's so hard to choose just one! So I didn't. I voted for like three or four. lol OH, just do it ALL.
The ladies will want the juicy details, but I think you ought to write about what you want to- that's what this blogging thing is all about.
Was it wrong that i voted for everything??!!
You can always go back and correct grammar. I write my posts in Word first then copy/paste them into my blog. I'm sure something gets hosed up in the process, but so far it works for me. Word does a decent job of catching the spelling mistakes and the more heinous grammar errors.
Yo, been reading you a while without commenting.
Likewise, you gots the award.
Weather Moose
I voted for the sex. Might as well read about SOMEONE getting some.
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